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Welcome! This site is dedicated to everyone who struggles with issues of codependence. Newcomers to CoDA are welcome at all meetings unless indicated otherwise.  

You can represent your meeting at the local, regional, and world level by attending Bay Area CoDA Intergroup via Zoom and learn about open service opportunities.

We've added a new non-conference-approved document on handling "13th Stepping" at meetings (under Resources at left margin).

NOTICE: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic meeting practices have changed and some of the previously in-person meetings have become Zoom only. Inquiries can be made via contact listings for specific meetings. Phone meetings should be particularly useful during this period, also there are virtual meetings held via Zoom - check the county listings or email to get passwds that are not listed.
If an in-person meeting resumes, an indicator symbol "=" will identify such a resumption. IF YOUR MEETING HAS RESUMED IN-PERSON STATUS, please contact the Webmaster or leave message at 415-905-6331.


If you are new to Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA), please visit our International Newcomers page for information on co-dependency and the recovery available through this program. There you will also find information useful in determining if you suffer from co-dependency. A notable resource that seems to be increasing in popularity is the phone meeting, follow this link to view those listings at the International CoDA website. Here is a printable listing some of those phone meetings with times adjusted to Pacific Time (PT). These are the 30 Questions, a resource for working the first three steps of CoDA.

Some Stories from Codependents:
Our keynote speaker from October 2011 was Evie, Chair of CoDA World, here is her story. Here also are the stories from Bob P. and Jacqui B., respectively, the opening and closing speakers from our October 2008 San Mateo Conference. And from October 2007 the stories of CoDA founders Ken and Mary.

Carrying the message to those still suffering is an essential step in our recovery. As such it is very important to us that newcomers feel welcome at their first CoDA meetings. We encourage you to comment on your experience and ways we can do better. You can contact us via the Webmaster link at bottom. Please tell us the meeting you attended: day of week, time, and city.
Thank you and welcome.

About Us
This Web site is maintained by the Bay Area CoDA Intergroup (formerly the Codependents Anonymous Bay Area Community Service Group).  We serve seven Bay Area counties touching San Francisco Bay and Santa Cruz. For San Mateo and Santa Clara counties vist South Bay CoDA  

It is the mission of the Bay Area CoDA Intergroup (BACI), in accordance with the 12 Traditions of CoDependents Anonymous to:

1) Serve Bay Area meetings in matters affecting other meetings or CoDA as a whole; specifically in the areas of meeting information, conferences,outreach, and literature (which we buy in quantity and have on hand at our monthly meeting to pass savings along to local CoDA members).
2) Respect the group conscience and autonomy of the meetings we serve.
3) Serve as the collective voice of the meetings we serve, to and from the Regional Committee of Northern California CoDependents Anonymous (NCC).
4) Support creation of new meetings in our area to help carry the message of CoDA.

The Bay Area CoDA Intergroup is comprised of representatives and members-at-large from the CoDA community. All groups are encouraged to send a representative -- and anybody in CoDA is welcome.

The Bay Area CoDA Intergroup (BACI) meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month (1st Sunday in November), 10 a.m. (lasts upto 2 hours) -- meeting is only virtual until further notice, for information to join, email: or

Please e-mail the Webmaster with any questions, corrections, or additions.

We are affiliated with Northern California Codependents Anonymous.   Their website is

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These pages may not have been reviewed, endorsed, or approved by Co-Dependents Anonymous Inc.